Saturday, 5 April 2014

The Decalogue

Who has never heard about the decalogue? In other words, The Ten Commandments. Most people say it's in the old testament, it doesn't apply to today. But, they are so very wrong, it does apply to this modern era. They also say that Jesus has done away with it because of His death and resurrection. But this is what Jesus says about this: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." You will find these verses in the Bible in the New Testament, the Gosple of Matthew, chapter five, verses seventeen and eighteen. Ther law is the Ten Commandments. Believe it or not, the Ten Commandments were created by God for your own good. Being created beings, people need certain parameters to live according. And if you transgress those parameters, then there is chaos. Because then all the evil in the world rules, and humanity suffers because of not obeying the decalogue. And obeying the ten commandments is not difficult. It becomes difficult because of each person's sin in themselves and their stubbornness. You will find a summary of the decalogue in the Bible, the Old Testament, Exodus chapter twenty. It's time for us to take stock of our lives, and why everything always seems to go wrong. Please allow me to emphasize, it's the Ten Commandments, not the ten invitations. If it's a commandment, you just do it, you just obey what it says. I believe there's a special blessing for each person who has chosen to obey the ordinances of God. And it's really not difficult if you change your attitude toward God and people. Because there are two sections to the ten commandments. One, to serve God and Him only. Two, love your neighbour as yourself. It's time for people to return to the One true God. And the Ten Commandments, because it's God's laws for the good of humanity.

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