Friday, 23 January 2015

I'm stuck

I find myself in this dreaded situation now. I'm fast reaching writer's block, I'm running out of topics to put on my articles. With my blogs also, I hit a blank, I don't know what to put there. I also was trying to make money out of these blogs, articles, whatever, but nothing is working. In spite of how enormous  the internet claims to be, I don't think it's all that big. But anyway, even this life as we know it is a farce. I probably seem facetious, trying to be spiteful now. And maybe I am because I really want this to work and it just isn't. No, I don't think the internet is as big as it claims to be. I think they exaggerate all this nonsense instead of the things that really matters. But that's how the world system works, as long as it suits themselves. No matter what.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

There's a Missionary in my House

Yes, that's right, there was a missionary in my house. So, what would you expect if you had a missionary in your house? Most people regard missionaries as the pariahs of society. They think missionaries are anti - social and talk and dress funny. People think they dropped out of school, they aren't very intelligent. Because they are missionaries and different, people imagine all sorts of weird things, you might say, exactly who are weird? The people imagine the innocent missionaries are some kind of witch doctor, prancing around a huge fire. What makes missionaries so different? The difference is that they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You can see it in their eyes, in their faces. And it makes you to cry out and yearn for what they have. When you are on a mission, you have been called to fulfill a special assignment. Missionaries are extremely intelligent, and they know how to manage their own lives well. And yes, they speak your language also, and a number of other languages. So, the next time you spend time in a missionary, talk to them, be friends with them. There is much in life they can teach you. And you can only benefit from spending time with them.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Yay !!

Nice, the managers of Ezine Articles has given me another opportunity to prove that I am an author worth his salt. I already had published twenty five articles, which got me to the end of the road unless I register and pay for this privilege, but it's just way too expensive for me. This the only means for me to monetize and support myself, and seeing as so far nobody has actually bought my articles, I just don't have the money for this. But, there's no need for me to feel sorry for me, in the end, God Himself is my provider, I will be just fine.

In the meantime, here is another copy of one of my articles, I'm sure you will be able to see them all.

To Forgive or not

Also, there are much more in my second blog, they have sermons which will help you to improve your lifestyle. Rodney

Monday, 19 January 2015

My Articles

I have been writing articles publishing them on EzineArticles. I have already published twenty five of them, but now I have reached the most of what I am allowed to publish for free. There is a way for me to publish more, but I will have to do some advertising of these articles. Otherwise, I have to buy space on EzineArticles, but it's expensive. So, I will have to do this the hard way and just hope they accept my attempts. So, the learning carries on.

I need to have a landing page, they say. I'm not sure what that is, I'm just a normal writer with information about life that I would like to share with people. I think it's another page where I advertise my articles, so here it is. I just hope people are going to read this and actually respond to this, with everything I have done on my blogs, I have never had any response from people. But it doesn't really matter. I know according to my statistics on EzineArticles, people have been reading my articles. The whole idea of publishing these articles for me was to help people. Because if you have been already through the same situation others are going through now, you will then have compassion for others and advise them on what to do, how to do things. And you have the experience on this, so you are an authority on this subject, you are able to help other people.

I'm not sure this is going to work, I don't know much about stuff like this. I suppose I need to have what is called an opt in form and all that, but that also costs money. Everything costs money, and I just want to help people where I can. So, I will just leave that out, if people want more information from me, or if they would like to contact me personally, here is my email address: email address 

Also, here is a sample of my articles, I hope you find them useful. Love as an Emotion 

Peace in these troubled Times.

Let us face it, all people all over the world wants peace, with no exceptions. Then if you look at the world situation every day, there is only war and fighting all over. There just does not have an end to all this and those fighting those wars are battle weary and sick and tired of all this nonsense. There is nothing romantic or honourable with war. The worst part of these wars is that innocent people get hurt, even killed because of this. Now, if people all over wants peace, why then is there just war and fighting? I could answer that question, even if it is only my views, but I think I could end up in big trouble. In this world, there will always be a war that is just the way it is, there will never be peace if we have to rely on this world system. Yet people fight for their peace and serenity, but they do not get anywhere reaching this state. If war and fighting are antonyms of peace, how do you expect to gain peace if you fight all the time? Is there a place where you can gain peace in this world?

I think there is, but it is going to cost you. You will have to move to a more desolate area where you are living off the grid. By saying off the grid, I mean you are living where you do not live close to the cities or any other place where you would have the normal comforts of life. Like electricity, water, sanitation which your city provides you with. But at a price, of course. If you do not living in the city, all this you will have to do for yourself if you still want electricity, water and sanitation. So, you will have to live like a recluse without any reach with other people. And that is going to be difficult because people are social beings, we need people around us to build and grow with each other. There are people, special people who live like a recluse, but they have this gift to be able to live without the connection with other people. To most people, it is just as good as impossible to live like that.

There is a way you can live in peace despite the war and fighting happening all over. The secret is to find your peace within yourself. And do not forget to get to know the prince of peace, Jesus Christ. If you have heart peace, and soul peace, and you have peace with the creator God, then you have peace. Forget what is going on in the world, there is nothing you can do about it, but focus on yourself and find that heart peace. But that heart peace you will only find if you run to Jesus Christ. Build a relationship with Jesus Christ, and you will have abundant peace. Because let us face it, that heart peace is the peace you actually yearn for. 

Friday, 16 January 2015

The Method to my madness

I wonder if anyone actually have seen what I'm actually doing with these articles I have published by So far I wrote about love, then peace, and joy but that one still has to be approved to be published. That is what I want to focus on now till that is finished. If you look in the Bible, in the New Testament, Galatians chapter five speaks about the fruit of the spirit. What I want to show is that these are a part of your emotions, but also it can be controlled my your will. I will deal each one as I get to it, and how to deal with them individually.

The banners by are active, if you would like to browse around and see what you want there. The shop at the bottom, have a look if you would like. The currency converter is for your use in case you need to make sure of prices according your country's currency.

Monday, 12 January 2015

I have the authority

So, what gives me the authority to write articles on those subjects? Seeing as I am not a psychiatrist, nor a psychologist. I have no claim on this, I have never even seen the inside of a university. So, what gives me the authority to write on these subjects? Well, my answer is quite simple. It's all the lessons I had in life that gives me that authority. I think that the life experiences you had is of much more value than stuff you learnt in books. In the end, you might have the papers, the qualifications for that kind of subject, but you still don't know nothing about life. The right answers to those kind of questions can only come from within you, from your own experiences. So, I am writing these articles based on my own life experiences. And maybe somebody might learn from these and apply it to their own lives. And benefit from it. And it one person uses these articles and benefits from it, then my task is done.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Still active

After many months of no activity, I checked now and all the banners I have here is working. So, if you would like to buy anything using these banners, feel free to do that. The currency converter is also for your convenience, feel free to use it as you need.

A lot has has happened this past year, and most of it was bad. I also still need to understand how SEO and all that stuff works, but I'm just playing things as I see it. Have a look at this then, anyway.