Monday, 19 January 2015

Peace in these troubled Times.

Let us face it, all people all over the world wants peace, with no exceptions. Then if you look at the world situation every day, there is only war and fighting all over. There just does not have an end to all this and those fighting those wars are battle weary and sick and tired of all this nonsense. There is nothing romantic or honourable with war. The worst part of these wars is that innocent people get hurt, even killed because of this. Now, if people all over wants peace, why then is there just war and fighting? I could answer that question, even if it is only my views, but I think I could end up in big trouble. In this world, there will always be a war that is just the way it is, there will never be peace if we have to rely on this world system. Yet people fight for their peace and serenity, but they do not get anywhere reaching this state. If war and fighting are antonyms of peace, how do you expect to gain peace if you fight all the time? Is there a place where you can gain peace in this world?

I think there is, but it is going to cost you. You will have to move to a more desolate area where you are living off the grid. By saying off the grid, I mean you are living where you do not live close to the cities or any other place where you would have the normal comforts of life. Like electricity, water, sanitation which your city provides you with. But at a price, of course. If you do not living in the city, all this you will have to do for yourself if you still want electricity, water and sanitation. So, you will have to live like a recluse without any reach with other people. And that is going to be difficult because people are social beings, we need people around us to build and grow with each other. There are people, special people who live like a recluse, but they have this gift to be able to live without the connection with other people. To most people, it is just as good as impossible to live like that.

There is a way you can live in peace despite the war and fighting happening all over. The secret is to find your peace within yourself. And do not forget to get to know the prince of peace, Jesus Christ. If you have heart peace, and soul peace, and you have peace with the creator God, then you have peace. Forget what is going on in the world, there is nothing you can do about it, but focus on yourself and find that heart peace. But that heart peace you will only find if you run to Jesus Christ. Build a relationship with Jesus Christ, and you will have abundant peace. Because let us face it, that heart peace is the peace you actually yearn for. 

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