Wednesday, 21 January 2015

There's a Missionary in my House

Yes, that's right, there was a missionary in my house. So, what would you expect if you had a missionary in your house? Most people regard missionaries as the pariahs of society. They think missionaries are anti - social and talk and dress funny. People think they dropped out of school, they aren't very intelligent. Because they are missionaries and different, people imagine all sorts of weird things, you might say, exactly who are weird? The people imagine the innocent missionaries are some kind of witch doctor, prancing around a huge fire. What makes missionaries so different? The difference is that they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You can see it in their eyes, in their faces. And it makes you to cry out and yearn for what they have. When you are on a mission, you have been called to fulfill a special assignment. Missionaries are extremely intelligent, and they know how to manage their own lives well. And yes, they speak your language also, and a number of other languages. So, the next time you spend time in a missionary, talk to them, be friends with them. There is much in life they can teach you. And you can only benefit from spending time with them.

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